Tuesday, November 19, 2013

All-Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

All-Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

By CH Woods

All-Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste
All-natural toothpaste solutions are becoming more and more popular these days due to the negative effects toothpaste is believed to have. Just like the majority of industrial health and beauty items that you can buy, more and more toothpastes have been manufactured throughout the years, which means they now contains substances like artificial sweeteners for taste, fluoride which is not very good for your body, and even more chemicals that should not be in your mouth.

Some of the toxic things that can be found in toothpaste are: Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Fluoride, Saccharin, Formaldehyde, Glycerine Glycol, and Paraffin. You can look these things up online – they are not healthy.

There are many all-natural alternatives to toothpaste, but listed below are the some of the most popular ones.

Essential Oils: These types of oils can be purchased from your local health store or from a trustworthy online shop. All you need to do is dip your toothbrush in these oils and brush. Ask an employee at the health food store for more information on what types of oils are best for your teeth.

Sea Salt: Sea salt is a great alternative to toothpaste and very simple to use. Simply stick your toothbrush in the sea salt and brush as normal. You may also put the sea salt in water to soak and then simply dip your toothbrush into it before you brush.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is yet another excellent alternative to toothpaste. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal qualities that are very useful in eliminating plaque in your mouth. Coconut oil works extremely well by itself as well as when combined with other ingredients listed.

Natural Soap: Most people don't realize that you can brush using natural soap. It does indeed taste a bit soapy, however if you would like to give it a try then it would be a good idea to use a natural soap that has a peppermint-like flavor.

Oil Swishing: Essentially all you have to do is swish around one tablespoon of oil, such as coconut, for a few minutes. After that, brush with plain water or with the other alternative solutions in this list.

Herbal Powders: Herbal powders may be used instead of toothpaste. They do a great job of cleaning your teeth and gums. The herbal ingredients in these powders can also help to reduce swelling and pain if an infection has developed in your mouth.

Baking Soda: Baking soda is one of the most well-liked natural alternatives to toothpaste. Much like sea salt, you can simply dip your toothbrush into the baking soda and brush as usual. You also have the option of dissolving the baking soda in water beforehand, after which you can dip your toothbrush in for a second and brush. Many people like to blend in a couple of drops of peppermint oil to provide your mouth with that fresh minty flavor we all love to experience after cleaning our teeth.

Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is well-known for cleaning and whitening our teeth. In fact, a lot of people use it as a natural alternative to toothpaste. Simply dip your brush into the hydrogen peroxide and brush. It is more effective if you dip your brush in hydrogen peroxide first, and then in a blend of sea salt and baking soda for the best results. The only possible issue with hydrogen peroxide is that for those who have amalgam fillings, peroxide can pull out the mercury in your fillings which will be absorbed into your body.

Tooth Soap: For those who do not like the idea of using natural soap in their mouth, as mentioned above, there are brands out there that are especially created to use for your teeth. Make sure that you try to look for one without all those harmful artificial additives.

Before you try any of the above methods it would be a good idea to consult a professional to make sure that the natural alternative you choose will work for you without any problems.

ch woods

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products. We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Friday, November 15, 2013

All Natural Herbs That Can Help With Type 2 Diabetes

All Natural Herbs That Can Help With Type 2 Diabetes

By CH Woods

All-Natural Herbs That Can Help With Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes does not just have an effect on your blood sugar and insulin production, but it may also result in many other complications such as pain, nerve damage, kidney problems, and blood thickening.

Listed below are some of the best all-natural herbs and vitamins that can help manage type 2 diabetes. Keep in mind, these are not meant to replace your diabetes treatment, but can be taken in addition to help if approved by a medical professional.

Herbs and Vitamins for Type 2 Diabetes
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo biloba might help prevent and eliminate diabetes early on before any symptoms start to appear.
  • Psyllium: Psyllium supplements have been found to lower blood sugar levels in many people affected with type 2 diabetes. The fiber part of psyllium is thought to be the reason for this effect.
  • Vitamin E: Those with low levels of vitamin E are more prone to type 2 diabetes.
  • Fish Oil: It has been found that omega-3 fatty acid has helped those with diabetes able to accept and use glucose as energy. On top of that, a few studies have discovered that fish oil supplements increased triglycerides and cholesterol levels in people who suffer from type 2 diabetes.
  • Zinc: The nutrient zinc has an essential role in the creation and storage of insulin. People who have type 2 diabetes usually have a zinc deficiency as well, so it is important to eat sources of zinc or to take supplements fix this deficit.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C may decrease sorbitol levels in those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. Sorbitol is a type of sugar that can build up in your cells and harm the kidneys and eyes of those with diabetes. Vitamin C may also improve blood sugar tolerance in type 2 diabetes.
  • Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is required for the regular functioning of your nerves. Vitamin B12 consumed by mouth has shown decreased symptoms of nerve damage due to diabetes.
  • Magnesium: Those who suffer from type 2 diabetes generally have low levels of magnesium, so it would be a good idea to take supplements or eat foods rich in magnesium.
  • Bitter Melon: Bitter melon can help manage diabetes as it helps reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is required to sustain sufficient insulin in your blood. Special cells that respond to vitamin D, known as receptors, have been found within the pancreas where insulin is created, and initial evidence shows that vitamin D supplements can help some people with type 2 diabetes to control their blood sugar levels.
  • Mango Leaves: Mango leaves may be used to treat type 2 diabetes by controlling insulin levels in your blood.
  • Vanadium: Vanadium is a small mineral located naturally in soil and several ingredients. Additionally, it is created when petroleum is burned. Vanadium has been discovered to boost insulin sensitivity and minimize blood glucose levels that people who have type 2 diabetes. It seems to imitate most of the activities of insulin in your body.
  • Chromium: Chromium has been found to boost blood sugar levels and similar factors in individuals with glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes.
  • Cayenne: Cayenne is made up of a compound referred to as capsaicin, which can improve the symptoms of people suffering from type 2 diabetes.
  • Biotin: Biotin is a form of vitamin B that is required to process blood sugar. Biotin can also minimize pain from nerve damage caused by this condition.
Visit a Doctor First
Do not take any of the natural vitamins and herbs above without first talking to your doctor or nutritionist for advice. Exercise and water intake is also important for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, so be sure to move around often and drink at least eight glasses of water each day.
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CH Woods
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products.
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Alkalosis: When Alkaline Levels Are Too High

Alkalosis: When Alkaline Levels AreToo High

By CH Woods

Alkalosis: When Alkaline Level is Too High
Alkalosis is a health problem that develops when your body has an overabundance of alkaline. This is the exact opposite of a condition known as acidosis which develops due to a high level of acidity, though alkalosis is far rarer.

The 5 Types of Alkalosis There are five primary forms alkalosis that can develop in your body. In addition to that, the exact causes for these various forms of alkalosis differ.

Below is a list of the various types of alkalosis to watch out for.
  1. Hypokalemic Alkalosis: Hypokalemic alkalosis takes place when your body is suffering from potassium deficiency, which occurs due to the kidney's reaction to the high level of alkaline within your body.
  2. Hypochloremic Alkalosis: This type of alkalosis develops when there is a lack of chlorine in your blood stream due to vomiting.
  3. Respiratory Alkalosis: If you have a decreased amount of carbon dioxide in your blood because of factors such as inadequate oxygen, high temperature, lung disease, liver disease, and so forth, you have a problem known as respiratory alkalosis. Hyperventilation is a primary symptom of having this type of alkalosis.
  4. Metabolic Alkalosis: You are a considered to have metabolic alkalosis when your levels of bicarbonate increase in your bloodstream. The primary symptom of metabolic alkalosis is the loss of salt levels in your body such as chloride, potassium, and sodium. A simple blood test will be able to confirm whether your pH level is above or below the optimal level of 7.35.
  5. Compensated Alkalosis: As stated above, it is vital for your body to keep the balance between the acids and bases in your body at a healthy level. Compensated alkalosis is a problem that occurs when your body attempts to re-balance both these elements, however the balance between the bicarbonate and carbon dioxide stay at unusual levels.
Symptoms of Alkalosis in General Now that you know about the various types of alkalosis and what to watch out for, it will be much easier for you to keep an eye out for the symptoms of all types of alkalosis.

In general, the primary signs and symptoms of alkalosis can include:
  • Mental Confusion
  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Irritation
  • Constipation
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Lightheadedness
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscular Weakness
  • Vomiting
Causes of Alkalosis Based on Type Your lungs and kidneys keep up with your proper balance of chemical compounds, known as bases and acids, in your body. Reduced carbon dioxide, which is an acid, or greater bicarbonate (a base) levels make your body too alkaline, a problem known as alkalosis. 

Respiratory alkalosis is due to low carbon dioxide amounts in your bloodstream. This is often caused by:
  • Lung Disease
  • Lack of Oxygen
  • Salicylate Poisoning
  • Liver Disease
  • Fever
Metabolic alkalosis is a result of an excessive amount of bicarbonate in your blood. Hypochloremic alkalosis is brought on by a considerable loss of chloride, which could happen due to continuous vomiting. Hypokalemic alkalosis is a result of the kidneys' reaction to a lack of potassium, which can take place in those who take particular diuretic medicines. Compensated alkalosis happens when the body attempts to balance the acids and bases within the body; however bicarbonate and carbon dioxide levels stay at an unnatural level.

Complications of Untreated Alkalosis Coma
  1. Hypokalemia - a lack of potassium in the blood, usually caused by excessive amounts of it being excreted, that leads to muscle weakness, heart irregularities, disorientation, and sometimes cardiac arrest.
  2. Arrhythmias - an irregularity in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
Treatment of Alkalosis: To treat alkalosis, your health care provider needs to find the cause. This problem can lead to serious complications if not treated. 

Your diet may play a role, but the only way to find out for sure would be to receive professional medical advice. 

CH Woods
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products.
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Alkaline Foods to Include in Your Diet

Alkaline Foods to Include in Your Diet

By CH Woods 

Alkaline Foods to Include in Your Diet
Alkaline foods are very important for maintaining a good chemical balance in your body. Alkaline is essential for making sure that your body does not become too acidic. If your body is considered too acidic, then this means that your cells are not getting sufficient levels of oxygen. When this occurs, it reduces the energy of the cells. Eventually health problems such as diabetes, indigestion, weight gain, and even cancer can develop is left untreated for a long period of time. 

An acidic body ensures that your natural immune system is vulnerable, in addition to your body’s overall ability to function normally. This problem is very common in modern society. In fact, more people are considered acidic than alkaline! The reason for that is our poor eating habit such as reliance on fast food and pre-packaged snacks. When your body is weakened due to acidity, the chance of any type of disease increases significantly. Additionally, your strength and energy will be reduced as well. 

 About Your pH Level 
The two letter abbreviation that most of us have heard before, pH, is short for "potential hydrogen." Your pH level can be anywhere from 0 to 14, though you never want to be close to either end. When your blood pH drops below 7, then this indicates that your body is acidic, which means it will be much more vulnerable to illness and disease. When your pH level is above 7 then you are considered alkaline which is best for optimal health. Preferably, you should stay at a pH of around 7.3. Though this number is only a bit greater than the middle, it is viewed as well-balanced. 

 Factors Behind Acidity in Food
One of the main reasons for being overly acidic in most people is due to their daily intake of food. Most people do not get enough alkaline-based foods like dark green vegetables; instead they eat meats and junk food which are both loaded with acid content. Acidic foods such as eggs, dairy, and meats are consumed on a regular basis by the majority of people. Along with these foods, most people also take in large amounts of other acidic products such as white grains, coffee, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners, soda, and white flour. 

Symptoms of High Acidity
The symptoms below may be the result of a pH imbalance in your body, so watch out for:
  • Irritability
  • Joint Inflammation
  • Herpes - a viral infection causing small painful blisters and inflammation, most commonly at the junction of skin and mucous membrane in the mouth or nose or in the genitals.
  • Headaches
  • Heart Disease
  • Appendicitis
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Cancer
  • Nervousness
  • Osteoporosis
  • Leg Cramps
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Mucous Buildup
  • Asthma
  • Weakened Muscles
  • Rheumatism
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred Vision
Alkaline Foods to Eat Well before participating in a pH diet, you should understand that the foods that we eat have their very own pH levels before they are consumed, but as they are digested their pH level may be the exact opposite of what they were originally. One primary example of such a food is the lemon, which is loaded with acid before you eat it. Nevertheless, after it is consumed and digested, it causes your urine to become alkaline. 

Many alkaline foods that you should add to your diet include:
  • Ginger
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Raisins
  • Mangoes
  • Celery
  • Almonds
  • Garlic
  • Chili Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Cantaloupes
  • 100% Fruit Juices
  • Peaches
  • Oranges
  • Cabbage
  • Watermelon
  • Lemons
  • Pineapples
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Cucumbers
  • Beets
  • Tangerines
  • Garlic
  • Chestnuts
  • Limes
  • Cinnamon
  • Figs
The minerals below are also considered alkaline and can be taken in supplement form:
  • Sodium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
Everything mentioned above are great to add to your diet, but only after advice from your doctor or dietitian just to make sure your dietary changes do not cause any unexpected problems.

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ch woods
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products. We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

A Quick Look at Gallbladder Disease

A Quick Look at Gallbladder Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

By CH Woods 

Your gallbladder found underneath the liver. It is responsible for storing bile created in your liver. The is a small muscular sac on the right underside of the liver, in which bile secreted by the liver is stored and concentrated until needed for the digestion of foods, fats in particular. 

There are two main types of gallbladder disease:
  1. Cholelithiasis: Causes gallstones.
  2. Cholecystitis: Inflamed gallbladder.
You may develop gallstones with no signs or symptoms at all. On the other hand, if the stones are big then they can obstruct the duct that leads from your gallbladder. This may result in discomfort and will need professional treatment to take care of it. In the beginning the gallstones might obstruct the bile pathways and then shift aside which results in a slight pain. Constant congestion can be deadly. 

Signs and Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease
  • Less Hungry
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal Pain in Upper Right Side
  • Pain After Eating Foods High in Fat
  • Nausea
Causes of Gallbladder Problems Gallbladder problems typically develop due to blocked pathways in the gallbladder from gallstones. Gallstones are produced in your gallbladder when the chemicals in bile create hard substances. Females are at a much higher risk of having gallstones as compared to males. Obesity as well as fat loss accompanied by putting on weight can be other factors that can increase the risk of gallstones. 

Nutritional Tips for Gallbladder Problems: The suggestions below can help minimize the symptoms of gallbladder disease:
  1. Stay away from alcoholic beverages and tobacco products
  2. Exercise 3-5 days per week.
  3. Consume more fiber. 
  4. Only use vegetable-based cooking oils.
  5. Avoid all foods that may cause allergic reactions. Your doctor will be able to perform a few tests to find out if you are allergic to anything.
  6. Stop eating any foods with trans-fatty acid (a fatty acid of a type occurring in margarine and manufactured cooking, consumption of such acids is thought to increase the risk of atherosclerosis) which is present in refined and junk foods.
  7. Consume foods rich in iron and vitamin B.
  8. Stay away from processed foods like white pasta and sugar.
Herbs for Your Gallbladder: There are many herbs that can help with gallbladder disease naturally and boost your health overall. Gallbladder problems may be a sign of an even worse problem, so do not use this as a substitute for treatment. Use the herbs to help in coordination with professional treatment. 

The herbs below are very popular for those with gallbladder diseases.
  • Turmeric: This herb is best used to improve your liver function. Large amounts of turmeric can thin your blood however, so you should keep this in mind if you are on medications that thin your blood as well.
  • Milk Thistle: Milk thistle is great for detoxifying your gallbladder as well as your liver. Those who are allergic to ragweed should use milk thistle with care.
  • Artichoke: This vegetable can help assist the performance of your liver and gallbladder. Because of the artichoke's effect of increased bile production, there is a possibility that it can cause gallbladder pain if you have problems with blockage of the bile pathways in your body.
  • Green Tea: Green tea is well-known for its antioxidant benefits and weight loss properties, though you might not have known that it can help improve your gallbladder and liver function as well. It is best to drink decaffeinated green tea.
The Importance of Professional Medical Advice: Do not try any type of treatment without first talking with your doctor. The natural remedies listed above are meant to help along with medical treatment and should not be used as a substitute. Gallbladder disease is a serious health condition and if you show any signs or symptoms of it then you should schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

ch woods
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products.
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

By CH Woods

pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer starts in your pancreas, which is the organ inside your abdomen responsible for creating enzymes that help with digestion and bodily hormones that support the metabolism of sugars.

Pancreatic cancer is often difficult to diagnose, even when found early on. 

It usually advances quickly and is rarely found when it first develops, which is the main reason why it is one of the most common causes of deaths related to cancer.

Symptoms might not show up until the pancreatic cancer has progressed to a point where removing the tumor surgically is not possible.

Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer
Signs of pancreatic cancer do not usually show up until the disease is progressed, though when they do you can expect to notice:
  • Blood clots
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Yellow skin and eyes, often referred to jaundice
  • Pain in your upper abdominals that may extend to your backside
  • Depressive disorders
Development of Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer takes place when cells in the pancreas develop mutations in their DNA. These variations cause cells to develop uncontrollably and to keep on existing after normal tissues would die. These gathering cells can create a lump known as a tumor.

The majority of pancreatic cancer cases start in the cells that are around the ducts of the pancreas. The kind of cancer is known as pancreatic exocrine cancer or pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

Possible Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer
  • Risk factors that may raise your chances of developing pancreatic cancer include:
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Family background and genetics
  • Personal history with pancreatic conditions
  • Being obese or overweight
  • Long-term swelling in your pancreas, a condition known as pancreatitis
Complications Caused by Pancreatic Cancer
As pancreatic cancer becomes worse, it can cause problems like:
  1. Weight Loss: Several factors could cause fat loss in those affected by pancreatic cancer. Queasiness and vomiting due to cancer remedies or a cancerous growth pushing on your stomach could make it hard to eat. Your body might have difficulty correctly digesting nutrients from food due to the fact that your pancreas is no longer making enough intestinal juices.
  2. Bowel Blockage: Pancreatic cancer that pushes on the small intestine may obstruct the movement of digested food from the stomach to your intestinal tract.
  3. Jaundice: Pancreatic cancer that obstructs the liver's bile duct may lead to the condition known as jaundice. Symptoms include things like yellow eyes and skin, pale stool, and dark urine.
  4. Pain: A developing tumor may push on the nerves within your abdominal area, triggering pain that may become severe. Pain medicines may help you feel much more comfortable. Radiation therapy might help stop tumor growth briefly to give you some alleviation.
Prevention Tips for Pancreatic Cancer
You may take actions to lower your risk, such as:
  1. Maintain a Healthy Weight: If you are at a healthy weight limit, then make sure you stay that way. If you want to lose weight, strive for a slow, constant weight loss. Make sure to get enough exercise on a daily basis and eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in smaller portions to assist you in with your weight loss goals.
  2. Quit Smoking Cigarettes: If you smoke cigarettes, stop right now. Speak to your doctor about techniques for help you stop, such as support organizations, medicines, and nicotine replacement therapy. If you do not smoke, then do not ever start.
When to Seek Medical Attention 
Call your doctor if you suffer from unusual weight reduction, stomach pain, jaundice, or additional symptoms that trouble you. Numerous conditions besides cancer could cause identical symptoms, but a medical professional will be able to make the proper diagnosis to find out what you have.

Do not make any changes to your lifestyle 
without consulting your doctor for some advice.
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ch woods
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products.
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

7 Herbs That Can Help with Kidney Disease

7 Herbs That Can Help with Kidney Disease

By CH Woods

When your kidneys lose their ability to get rid of the wastes in your body, an excessive amount of toxins and water can build up. This can result in serious medical conditions. If this occurs, it is generally referred to as kidney failure. The symptoms of kidney disease do not often show up until after the disease has progressed 
quite a bit.

Symptoms can include one or more of the following:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Sudden Weight Loss
  • Bleeding in Intestines
  • Muscle Cramps

There are many natural herbs that it is said can help relieve the symptoms caused by kidney disease and kidney failure. Baking soda has also been said to help improve the symptoms of kidney failure since it helps reduce the acidity of your blood.

Keep in mind that herbs and any other home remedies are not considered treatments.
The seven herbs listed below may all help make kidney problems less dire.

Herbal Remedy #1: Dandelion: Medical experts have stated that dandelion leaves have diuretic properties that might be a good replacement for prescription diuretics in the future. Diuretics are prescription drugs that cause an increased flow of urine.

Dandelion is very common, though many people don't realize that it is fantastic for dealing with the symptoms of kidney failure. Besides kidney problem, this herb has been found to help treat conditions of the gall bladder, joints, and liver.

Herbal Remedy #2: Java Tea: Java tea, commonly referred to as kidney tea, is an herb that is made use of medically for various reasons. It is known in several countries as a powerful herb for the treatment of kidney problems such as kidney infection and kidney stones. Java tea is also considered a diuretic (something that causes increased flow of urine) as well.

Herbal Remedy #3: Lei Gong Teng: Lei Gong Teng is said to have been proven to be effective in preventing cancer, inflammation and improving blood circulation. It has been widely used to treat leprosy and rheumatoid arthritis in clinics. 

Herbal Remedy #4: Green Tea: Green tea is a beverage that people have consumed for countless numbers of years and continue to do so today because of its many health benefits. The leaves of the green tea plant are made up of special substances referred to as polyphenols, which apparently help to prevent kidney stones in addition to prostate and liver cancer. Green tea is also used to break down any fatty buildup in the liver. 

Herbal Remedy #5: Cornsilk: Cornsilk is an extremely effective herb used for those with kidney failure. It can also help manage the symptoms of urinary infection.

Herbal Remedy #6: Couch Grass: Couch grass will help increase urine production as well as improves the conditions of those with urinary tract infections like urethritis and cystitis. Kidney stones are a common problem for those with kidney failure. Couch grass has also been shown to help break down these stones to help them pass without too much pain.
This herb has also been found to help with the treatment of an enlarged prostate. To take this herb, you can ground it up and use it as a substitute for coffee in your coffee maker.

Herbal Remedy #7: Uva Ursi: Uva ursi, generally known as bearberry, is among the most effective urinary system antiseptics. It has been used to fight off any infections in the kidneys for thousands of years.

The Dangers of Herbal Remedies
All-natural herbal solutions do not have any side effects; however they may interfere with any current medications that you are taking. You need to see a doctor right away if you suspect you have any sort of kidney problem and would like to take one of the herbs mentioned above.

As mentioned, these herbs are meant to help relieve the symptoms of your kidney problems, not cure them.
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CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products.
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.