Basic Information about Acne
By CH WoodsAcne, technical name acne vulgaris is disease of the oil-secreting glands of the skin that often affects adolescents, producing eruptions on the face, neck, and shoulders that can leave pitted scars. Acne breakouts do not appear to be harmful in the physical sense yet they can leave scars behind.
Your skin has pores, which are extremely tiny holes that are attached to the oil glands found underneath your skin. The glands are linked to the pores by small canals.
These glands create a substance called sebum, which is an oily substance that lubricates the hair and skin and gives some protection against bacteria. The sebum transports dead skin cells through the hair follicles to the exterior of your skin. Acne develops when these hair follicles become clogged, which results in a build-up of oil underneath the skin.
In other words, sebum, dead skin cells, and hair may gather together and clog the hair follicles which can lead to acne. For the majority of people, acne tends to show up on their neck, face, chest, back, and shoulders.
There are many forms of acne with the most common being the three types listed below.
- Blackheads: Easily noticeable, they are dark-colored and show up on the surface of your skin. Keep in mind that a blackhead is not a result of dirt. Cleaning your face intensely when you see blackheads is not going to help and never try to pop them.
- Whiteheads: Stay underneath the skin and are very little. Although tempting, do not pop them. Simply let them heal and they will go away on their own in most cases.
- Cysts: Visible on the top of your skin. They are very painful and are full of pus. Cysts can result in scarring.
- A lot of sun can increase the production of sebum, so be sure to wear good protection if you’re going to be outside for a long time.
- Hair accumulates sebum and dead skin cells, so keep your hair washed and off of your face.
- Glasses should be cleaned on a daily basis. They will accumulate dead skin cells and sebum.
- Avoid going to bed with cosmetics on.
- It is not suggested that you pop your acne. You might cause the infection to become worse, triggering even more pus and more painful swelling. Popping zits can make skin damage more likely.
- Clean your face about two times a day. Never wash it more often than that. Use a gentle soap created specifically for those with acne and warm water. Do not scrub your skin; simply work in into your pores.
- Wash your hands often to keep them clean.
- Your skin has to breathe or else you'll sweat which could lead to acne. If your acne breakouts are on your chest, back, or shoulders then try putting on loosely fit clothing as well.
- Make an effort to avoid touching your face with your unclean hands.
- Summer Weather: During the humid and hot times, we tend to sweat a lot more. This can make acne worse.
- Popping Zits: If you ever try to pop your acne then it is almost certainly going to become worse, furthermore you risk skin damage.
- Stress: Stress and anxiety may affect the amounts of several hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol, which often can make acne worse.
- Greasy Hair Products: A number of hair care products are extremely oily and may cause your pores to clog by touching your skin, especially while asleep.

We are offering this Free Ebook on Acne The Acne Manual with excellent tips and guides to help overcome acne breakouts.
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.
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