Friday, March 28, 2014

Basics Information about Acne

Basic Information about Acne

By CH Woods

Basic Information about Acne
Acne, technical name acne vulgaris is disease of the oil-secreting glands of the skin that often affects adolescents, producing eruptions on the face, neck, and shoulders that can leave pitted scars. Acne breakouts do not appear to be harmful in the physical sense yet they can leave scars behind. 

Your skin has pores, which are extremely tiny holes that are attached to the oil glands found underneath your skin. The glands are linked to the pores by small canals.

These glands create a substance called sebum, which is an oily substance that lubricates the hair and skin and gives some protection against bacteria. The sebum transports dead skin cells through the hair follicles to the exterior of your skin. Acne develops when these hair follicles become clogged, which results in a build-up of oil underneath the skin.

In other words, sebum, dead skin cells, and hair may gather together and clog the hair follicles which can lead to acne. For the majority of people, acne tends to show up on their neck, face, chest, back, and shoulders.

There are many forms of acne with the most common being the three types listed below.
  • Blackheads: Easily noticeable, they are dark-colored and show up on the surface of your skin. Keep in mind that a blackhead is not a result of dirt. Cleaning your face intensely when you see blackheads is not going to help and never try to pop them.
  • Whiteheads: Stay underneath the skin and are very little. Although tempting, do not pop them. Simply let them heal and they will go away on their own in most cases.
  • Cysts: Visible on the top of your skin. They are very painful and are full of pus. Cysts can result in scarring.
Tips That Are Said To Prevent Acne
  • A lot of sun can increase the production of sebum, so be sure to wear good protection if you’re going to be outside for a long time.
  • Hair accumulates sebum and dead skin cells, so keep your hair washed and off of your face.
  • Glasses should be cleaned on a daily basis. They will accumulate dead skin cells and sebum.
  • Avoid going to bed with cosmetics on.
  • It is not suggested that you pop your acne. You might cause the infection to become worse, triggering even more pus and more painful swelling. Popping zits can make skin damage more likely.
  • Clean your face about two times a day. Never wash it more often than that. Use a gentle soap created specifically for those with acne and warm water. Do not scrub your skin; simply work in into your pores.
  • Wash your hands often to keep them clean.
  • Your skin has to breathe or else you'll sweat which could lead to acne. If your acne breakouts are on your chest, back, or shoulders then try putting on loosely fit clothing as well.
  • Make an effort to avoid touching your face with your unclean hands.
Acne Irritants
  1. Summer Weather: During the humid and hot times, we tend to sweat a lot more. This can make acne worse.
  2. Popping Zits: If you ever try to pop your acne then it is almost certainly going to become worse, furthermore you risk skin damage.
  3. Stress: Stress and anxiety may affect the amounts of several hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol, which often can make acne worse.
  4. Greasy Hair Products: A number of hair care products are extremely oily and may cause your pores to clog by touching your skin, especially while asleep.
Before you try to cure your acne yourself, you should speak with a dermatologist to find out which treatment will be best for your condition. 

We are offering this Free Ebook on Acne The Acne Manual with excellent tips and guides to help overcome acne breakouts.

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products 
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Basic Ways Mercury Levels Are Tested

Basic Ways Mercury Levels Are Tested

By CH Woods

Tests for mercury may be the only method to objectively determine whether or not our bodies are getting rid of greater than standard levels of mercury. However, be advised, the American Dental Association doesn't see these lab tests as being too useful. 

Of course, it is accurate that examining the body for mercury has restrictions.

Such as, no examination will be able to tell you exactly where the mercury is in your body, just how much mercury is within the body, the amount in your brain, or the harm it has done overall.

Yet it is also a fact that numerous health care experts view these tests a very important analytical tool. 
Doctors use several tests such as blood, urine, and fecal metals exams to find out if mercury is within the body or if it is being removed from the body. Below are a few examples of what you can expect to go through if you need to be tested for mercury poisoning:

Blood Test This examination finds mercury within the blood. Although it can indicate contact with all three forms of mercury, the below restrictions stop this check from being helpful in figuring out your body’s amount of mercury, or showing its usefulness in getting rid of mercury. 

 If a person has this test down within three days or less after consuming fish with methyl mercury in it, the test can display an excessive amount of mercury within the bloodstream. The final results might be very different if you had taken the blood test prior to consuming the fish, or even a week after.

When your doctor would like to know your blood mercury amount for additional reasons other than for just looking for mercury, this is a great test for that.
However it can only show you if mercury was in the bloodstream during the time the blood was taken out. 

It shows absolutely nothing regarding:
  • If mercury exists in other areas of the body
  • The amount of mercury which has built up within your brain.
  • What side effects it could be having on your wellbeing
  • The stress mercury has on the body
Urine Mercury Testing As a detection tool for mercury, the urine mercury check shows minimal results. It offers only a little bit of detail about:
  • The amount of mercury stored and exactly where it is found
  • Which area of the body the mercury came from
  • The medical complications the gathered mercury is triggering
Fecal Metal Exam Almost ninety percent of the mercury removed from the body’s normal chelation detoxification process is through the liver and feces processes, so any testing should really involve a fecal metals exam. This test is great for any patients or doctor who would like to keep track of the cleansing process.

The fecal metals exam provides a variety of unique strengths over every other test for mercury since it:
  • Is perfect for kids as well as chemically sensitive individuals since it does not call for any medicines, or any other chemical substance products
  • Shows the body problems as a result of the built up mercury after removal
  • Allows you to compare and contrast each test to past checks
  • Is perfect for a person with kidney conditions that might have trouble using a prescription chelator.
  • Is an easy, non-invasive process that you can do in your own home
  • Does away with the concern about unwanted negative effects like an allergic or dose-related response that could take place with checks needing a pharmaceutical chelating substance
  • Displays the body’s power to get rid of mercury the natural way which will help to measure the strength of the patient's immune system
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products.
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Athlete's Foot Information Manual

Athlete's Foot Information Manual

By CH Woods

Athlete's Foot Information Manual
Athlete's foot, also called tinea pedi, is a fungal infection that can affect the top layer of the skin on your foot, particularly when it is moist and warm. Athlete's foot is actually a type of ringworm.

Types of Athlete's Foot
Most instances of athlete's foot are hardly visible aside from the somewhat dry and flaky skin. If the infection becomes worse, you will suffer from extremely dry, peeling, and red skin. It generally affects the skin between your toes, although it can spread to the edges and top of the feet in addition to the hands.

There are three common types of athlete's foot:
  1. Inflammatory: In cases like this the skin of your feet are affected by blisters.
  2. Interdigital: Infection occurs between the toes.
  3. Moccasin: Affects only the bottom of your feet.
During treatment, you have to completely cover every area of the fungal infection in order to avoid the infection from returning. This means that if you only focus on treating the bottom parts of your feet while overlooking the infection within your toenails, the infection will not be eliminated and will come back before you know it.

Causes of Athlete's Foot
Everyone has fungi and bacteria on their skin, nearly all of which are safe. The fungi that are the main causes for infection resemble plant life in that they eat broken down natural tissues. The key forms of fungi that trigger skin infections like athlete's foot include mold, tinea, and candida.

The infection may be transferred by means of direct contact, especially if you touch the fungi and do not wash your hands afterwards. You may also get infected by indirect contact, which can involve infected towels, clothing, and linen.

In general, the fungi flourish best in humid and warm environments, which explains why the feet are an ideal breeding ground if not kept dry. Also, this is why locations such as changing rooms, showers, and swimming pools are all popular places for the fungal infection to be spread.

Additional Problems
As stated, athlete's foot is usually a mild problem, which in rare cases, causes more severe problems. Although it is usually easily treated, it is advisable to deal with the infection before the fungi has an opportunity to reproduce and spread, as letting it spread can make dealing with it much harder.

If not taken care of quickly and effectively, athlete's foot can lead to one of the three problems below.

  • Cellulitis: Once within your body, bacteria may cause the infection to multiply nearly instantly since some forms discharge chemicals that break down skin tissues. If left without treatment, this can possibly bring about severe health conditions.
  • Interior Bacterial infections: Serious athlete's foot could cause cracked skin, which exposes the delicate raw tissue below. Although fungi generally only grow on the outside of your skin, bacteria is likely to thrive within the body and may result in a more serious infection if it gains access.
  • Nail Fungus: If athlete's foot is not handled with speed it can very easily spread to your nails, causing them to become thick and discolored. The skin underneath the nail could also become painful and swollen, which makes it difficult to walk or put on shoes.

Treatment for Athlete's Foot
In most cases, athlete's foot is simply an annoying, somewhat uncomfortable fungal infection that can successfully be treated with a good over-the-counter medicine purchased from your local drug store.

It is very important, however, to deal with the condition the instant you notice it to stop it from becoming something more severe, so schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to find out the best way to take care of it. 

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles and free ebooks on health and environmental solutions.

Monday, March 10, 2014

At Home Relief for Chickenpox

At Home Relief for Chickenpox 

By CH Woods

At Home Relief for Chickenpox
Chickenpox is a type of viral contamination that brings about itchy rashes. 

This condition is extremely contagious, but only to those who have not had a vaccine for it or have never experienced the infection before. 

Before the days of the chickenpox vaccination, practically all people were infected before they became adults, at times with severe side effects. 

These days, the amount of cases has decreased significantly. For most of us, chickenpox is a minor illness. Nevertheless, it's far better to get vaccinated. The chickenpox vaccine is a risk-free and powerful way to protect against chickenpox and its complications.

Symptoms of Chickenpox : Chickenpox typically lasts around five to ten days. A rash is a sign of chickenpox.

Some other symptoms can include:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Overall Weakness

The Three Phases of Chickenpox

  1. Red or pink bumps that show up over many days
  2. Blisters filled with fluid developing on the elevated lumps. The blister will crack and leak around a day after.
  3. Scabs will begin to cover the blisters. They will take several days to a week to heal. Do not scratch them off or else you may cause scarring.

Brand new lumps will continue to keep appear for several days. It is possible that you might have all three phases of the rash simultaneously a day after the rash appears. Once you have chickenpox, you can start to spread the virus for as much as two days before the rash shows up and you can still spread the virus until all the spots begin to scab.

The condition is normally mild in those who are healthy. In serious cases, the rash can spread to throughout the entire body, causing bumps to appear in your eyes and throat.

The likelihood that you will catch chickenpox is greater if you:

  • Did not receive a vaccination for chickenpox.
  • Have not yet had chickenpox.
  • Work in an environment with children who are prone to the infection.
  • Have children of your own.

The majority of adults in the United State has received a chickenpox vaccination or is immune to the virus.

Complications of Chickenpox: Chickenpox is usually a harmless disease. However there are cases where the infection is severe which can cause complications like:

  • Pneumonia
  • Toxic Shock Syndrome - an acute, potentially fatal circulatory failure
  • Encephalitis - Inflamed Brain
  • Bacterial Infections in Your Blood, Bones, Skin, and Joints

Tips to Avoid Scratching 
Scratching bumps can result in skin damage and scarring. It will also increase the chances of infections, so if you or your child need help to stop the scratching, you should try: 

  • Wearing gloves on your hands. This is especially helpful while you are sleeping to prevent unconscious scratching.
  • Trimming your fingernails to lower the chances of breaking the blister.

Recommendations for Relief: Chickenpox rashes tend to be extremely itchy and when the blisters break that can be a bit painful as well. These problems, together with the symptoms like a fever, can be quite agonizing. 

To help find relief, you should try one of the methods below.

  • Apply itch-relief cream to the blisters to prevent scratching and pain.
  • Eat a diet of soft foods if the chickenpox has infected your mouth.
  • Take a cool bath with oatmeal and baking soda added.

When to Visit Your Doctor 
If you believe that you have chickenpox, give your doctor a call. A medical professional can help you determine the best way to deal with it.

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions

Asbestos Dangers and Health Risks

Asbestos Dangers and Health Risks

By CH Woods
Asbestos Dangers and Health Risks

Asbestosis is a long-term lung disorder where excess tissue is created in the lungs. 

This tissue diminishes the flexibility of your lungs, causing breathing to be more challenging. Poor breathing is considered the most typical symptom. Normally, a common bodily indicator is odd sounds in your lungs which can be heard by using a stethoscope.

When checking out asbestosis, upper body x-rays will reveal tiny abnormal spots on the x-ray film in which the x-rays weren't able to see through the tissues. They are generally seen within the lower and middle lungs. Lung performance tests will help you to figure out how severe the problem is.

Those with completely developed asbestosis will have symptoms like chest pain, blue skin coloration, shortness of breath, reduced lung performance, and a bad cough. Asbestosis typically needs many years of contact with asbestos fibers in order to fully develop. The rate of growth of this condition is different from person to person.

It is usually slow with very little changes over five or more years. Countless cases do not progress after medical diagnosis. It might, on the other hand, be faster in some people compared to others due to how the affected person was exposed to the fibers specifically.

Lung Cancer Caused by Asbestos Exposure
The likelihood of having lung cancer following contact with asbestos is determined by numerous factors. The normal length of time from contact with the fibers to cancer growth is twenty-five to thirty years. 

Despite the fact that lung cancer is normally linked to long-term exposures to asbestos, there are scientific studies that show that employees with less than a year of exposure are at a higher risk of having lung cancer many years in the future.

Lung cancer is also a greater risk for family members that live with a person who works in an environment involving asbestos since it can be transported into the home on clothing. If you work in such an environment, it would be best to change into clean clothes before you enter your home.

Lung cancer typically will not trigger symptoms in the beginning. When signs and symptoms do take place, this means that the cancer has advanced. Outward indications of lung cancer can include shortness of breath, fever, chronic cough, chest pain, and weight loss.

These signs are also normal with various other lung problems, for that reason chest x-rays will need to be done to check for asbestosis.

Inhalation Effects
Breathing in asbestos fibers may also result in four forms of non-cancerous problems within the lining of your chest cavity.

They include:

  • Folded lung syndrome.
  • Liquid in the chest cavity.
  • Localized build-up of collagen (a fibrous protein found in skin, bone, and other connective tissues).
  • Thickening of the chest cavity.

Laryngeal Risks
Contact with asbestos has additionally been discovered to considerably increase the occurrence of laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx, usually accompanied by hoarseness and coughing) in a few people.

Weakened Immune System
There has been a number of studies done on the consequences of asbestos exposure to the immune system. The majority of studies reveal that immune system performance is diminished in individuals with asbestosis.

It has not been confirmed whether or not the changes in immune function are a consequence of asbestosis.

In employees who have come in contact with asbestos, yet have not displayed any symptoms of asbestosis; tend to show no changes in immune system performance. Asbestos exposure can be a risk factor in an uncommon problem referred to as retroperitoneal fibrosis. This ailment can lead to kidney failure if left untreated.

If your job requires you to work with asbestos, be sure to read about the proper safety precautions when working with this toxic material. Your job should provide this information to you. 

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Arthritis Caused by Psoriasis

Arthritis Caused by Psoriasis

By CH Woods

Arthritis Caused by Psoriasis
Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that has an effect on a few people who have psoriasis, which is a common problem that causes red patches of skin to develop along with silvery flaky scales. The majority of people who develop psoriasis before arthritis often have joint problems before any signs of psoriasis start to show up.

Inflammation, stiffness, and joint pain are the primary symptoms of Psoriatic arthritis. The symptoms are able to have an effect on any part of your whole body, such as your spine and fingertips, and can vary from mild to serious.

Both psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis can flare up and usually alternate with times where it seemingly goes away. It is said that there is currently no cure for Psoriatic arthritis, though there are ways to manage the symptoms and prevent further damage to your joints. If left untreated, Psoriatic arthritis is able to cause permanent damage and immobility.

Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis are both long-term problems that only become worse as time passes, however there may be times where your symptoms get better or go away completely, though they often come back even worse. Psoriatic arthritis can have an effect on the joints on either one side or both sides of your body.

The symptoms of Psoriatic arthritis often appear to be similar to rheumatoid arthritis. Both problems cause joints to be inflamed and swollen.

In most cases, Psoriatic arthritis is likely to trigger symptoms such as:
  1. Lower Back Pain: A lot of people develop a problem known as Spondylitis due to Psoriatic arthritis. Spondylitis primarily triggers swelling of your joints between the vertebrae of the spine and your pelvis.
  2. Foot Pain: Psoriatic arthritis may also damage the points where your ligaments and muscles attach to your bones, particularly at the rear of your heel or bottom of your foot.
  3. Swollen Fingers and Toes: Psoriatic arthritis may result in an unpleasant inflammation of your toes and fingers. You may even develop inflammation in your feet and hands before any serious joint problems being to occur.
Causes of Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis can develop when your immune system starts to attack your very own tissues and cells. This immune response will trigger swelling of your joints in addition to the excessive production of skin cells. 

It is not completely clear exactly why your immune system may decide to attack its own cells and tissue, though it is likely that environmental and genetic factors are involved. A lot of people with this condition have a family background of either Psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. Medical experts have found that specific genetic markers that seem to be linked to Psoriatic arthritis.

Possible Risk Factors of Psoriatic Arthritis A number of factors can raise your risk of Psoriatic arthritis, like:
  1. Psoriasis: If you have psoriasis then you have a significantly higher risk for having Psoriatic arthritis. Those affected by psoriasis lesions on their nails are particularly prone to have Psoriatic arthritis.
  2. Age: Despite the fact that any person can develop Psoriatic arthritis, it develops most frequently in people between the ages of thirty and fifty.
  3. Family Background: Lots of people with Psoriatic arthritis are related to someone with this disease.
Complications of Psoriatic Arthritis
Some people with Psoriatic arthritis eventually develop a problem known as arthritis mutilans, a serious, unpleasant, and devastating type of disease. As time passes, arthritis mutilans breaks down all the small bones in your hands, particularly the fingers, resulting in long-term disability and deformity.

When to Seek Medical Advice
If you believe you have Psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis, make sure you contact your doctor immediately if joint pain occurs. Psoriatic arthritis may show up abruptly or develop gradually; however in either case it can significantly harm your joints if left without treatment. 

Free eBook all about Arthritis

If you would like more information we offer this

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products.
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Are Nitric Oxide Supplements Right For You?

Are Nitric Oxide Supplements Right For You?

By CH Woods 

Are Nitric Oxide Supplements Right For You?

Nitric oxide dietary supplements are among the most widely used pre-workout supplements. 

Nitric oxide is at the top of the list for the best selling pre-workout products on the market. 

 The big claim that nitric oxide supplement providers’ state is that their products can improve blood circulation within the muscles and can provide more oxygen as well as amino acids.

About Nitric Oxide Nitric oxide is a gas produced by your body from certain amino acids. It is a natural vasodilator which means that it dilates or grows, particularly the arteries in which blood travels through. The dilation leads to greater blood circulation that transports far more oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissues. Arginine is an amino acid that creates nitric oxide within your body. Supplements that have L-arginine are basically nitric oxide products.

There are two main reasons why nitric oxide has become so popular for weight lifters:
  1. Improved Protein Synthesis: Elevated blood circulation usually means that there is a much faster transportation of nutrients and amino acids which improves the protein synthesis process enhancing muscle growth.
  2. Greater Blood Circulation: Given that nitric oxide expands the size of the blood vessels, it is able to increase oxygen and blood flow to your muscles during exercise for maximum stamina and progress.
Nitric oxide has been shown to play a role in a number of natural procedures such as neurotransmission and immune system protection.

There are many benefits of using nitric oxide. Several of them are explained below.

Benefit #1: Boosts Metabolism to Eliminate Fat We all want to maintain a healthy weight level. If you want to slim down and stay toned or develop muscle when reducing fat gain, you need to increase your metabolic rate to the fastest level possible. A nitric oxide supplement will help your body do this which can help you burn off any extra weight.

Benefit #2: Improves Muscle Growth Nitric oxide supplements will result in an increase in strength and muscle mass as you exercise. Since you can train for a longer time, you are going to train stronger as well. Also, when you have the ability to push your body past its limits with a greater intensity, the end result will be quicker gains.

Benefit #3: Gives You Natural Energy In order to get muscles you have to work hard. Intensive workout sessions call for a good amount of energy, but we all have our times where we simply feel too tired before or during our exercise sessions. If low energy is a problem, a nitric oxide supplement may be able to assist you.

Benefit #4: Shortens Recovery Time Appropriate recovery is essential for developing muscle and making the most of athletic efficiency. In terms of recovery, you will need all of the help you can get. Stress and not enough sleep make a difference in how quickly you are able to recover throughout and right after a good work out. 

Nitric oxide enhances oxygen and blood circulation to all of your muscles, making it possible for a quicker delivery of muscle restoring and low energy decreasing vitamins and minerals. Cells will have the ability to get whatever they need at any time they require it. A nitric oxide dietary supplement will help you recover and prepare you for your next workout session.

Professional Medical Advice
If any of the benefits listed above would help you out, ask your doctor if you are able to take nitric oxide without any problems. Nitric oxide can be a huge help if your body is able to use it right, however it can cause complications which is why it is so important to get doctor’s advice first.

If you would like more detailed information we offer a Free eBook on Nitric Oxide

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Anemia and a Healthy Diet

Anemia and a Healthy Diet

By CH Woods

Anemia develops whenever a person’s red blood cell level is below the normal amount and the hemoglobin amount in the bloodstream drops below normal. Hemoglobin is made of protein and iron. Both of which are needed for providing nutrients and oxygen to all areas of the body.

Signs and symptoms of anemia include a memory loss, exhaustion, depressive symptoms, and overall weakness. Your physician can identify the problem with a simple blood examination. A balanced and healthy diet is essential if you are anemic. You should have foods that have folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron.

Listed below are the best foods you can add to your diet to help with anemia.

Peanut butter is a great way to get some iron into your body. The best way to eat it is to have a peanut butter sandwich with a cup of orange juice. The orange juice is necessary because the vitamin C which will boost the intake of iron in the peanut butter.

Beetroot, either in salad or cooked vegetable, is among the most effective ways to get that extra bit of iron. You can also drink beetroot juice. Beetroot has many detoxing qualities in addition to a fair amount of iron.

Red meat, like pork and beef, has a large quantity of heme iron, which is much easier for your body to take in compared to non-heme iron, which is gained from plants. Heme iron is the deep red, nonprotein portion of hemoglobin that contains iron. Liver is said to be the most effective choice for improving your blood with vitamin B and iron.

Eggs have a lot of antioxidants along with proteins which can help replace missing vitamins loss due to anemia. Eggs supply your body with a good amount of nutrients and have hardly any calories.

Whole grain bread is a great food for iron, which the body must have to prevent or combat iron deficiency anemia.

Spinach: Leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are a wonderful way to get iron along with vitamin C. Spinach, kale, and similar vegetables are also made up of other important nutrients for our body such as beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin B9, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and vitamin E.

Pomegranates have iron, fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A which are all needed to keep the body healthy. It is possible to maintain healthy blood circulation in your body by consuming pomegranates in just about any form, even juice.

Soybeans: All the various types of beans are an excellent source of iron, however you must make them correctly to get the benefits. It is necessary to soak the beans overnight for maximum effectiveness.

Tomatoes, which are loaded with vitamin C, can also help fight anemia. The vitamin C in tomatoes can help your body process iron. Make an effort to consume a cup of raw tomato juice at least once a day. Stay away from caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea since they can hinder iron intake. Tomatoes also have vitamin E and beta-carotene, which can improve the condition of your hair and skin.

Oatmeal: Despite the fact that oats are full of iron, they also contain phytic acid which stops iron absorption. On the other hand, you can purchase oatmeal fortified with iron. Normal oatmeal does not usually have iron added to them; while countless brands of instant oatmeal do. This type of oatmeal also includes various forms of vitamin B.

Extra Tips Including these foods into your diet can help you fight anemia and improve your health. Furthermore, make sure you drink a lot of water, exercise, and go outside for sunlight on a daily basis.

Be sure to speak to your doctor before making any changes 
to your diet to ensure that you are not allergic to any of them.

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CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products.
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles and free ebooks on health and environmental solutions.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

An Overview on High Blood Pressure

An Overview on High Blood Pressure

By CH Woods

An Overview on High Blood Pressure
Free Ebook on High Blood Pressure - Link Below
Your heart has the ability to pump blood into the arteries with enough power to drive it all throughout your entire body and back to the heart. The blood pressure can be thought as the speed of blood as it flows through the body. Blood pressure is at its highest while its leaves the heart and slowly lessens as it moves through your body.

Hypertension is the clinical name for high blood pressure. This condition has no early symptoms and can become a long-term condition and other problems. Most people who have high blood pressure don't even realize it.

Problems brought on by unchecked high blood pressure include conditions such as kidney failure, stroke, heart attack, and congestive heart failure; a form of heart failure in which the heart is unable to pump away the blood returning to it fast enough, causing congestion in the veins.

Causes of High Blood Pressure 
In many people with high blood pressure, the cause of it is not clearly known and is termed as essential hypertension. Although the precise cause is not known, there are many risk factors that can play a role in developing high blood pressure such as:
  • Old Age
  • Thyroid Disorders
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Genetics
  • Stress
  • Lack of Exercise
  • Excessive Salt
  • Heavy Alcohol Consumption
  • Being Overweight
  • Smoking
Most of the above factors can be changed by making simple changes to your life.

A few of the lifestyle changes you could make are:
  1. Lose Weight: As weight increases, blood pressure does as well. Carrying excess fat adds to the risk of high blood pressure. Medical professionals suggest that all overweight people who have high blood pressure slim down until they are at least fifteen percent of their recommended body fat.
  2. Exercise More: An inactive lifestyle plays a part in the development of obesity as well as high blood pressure. Working out will help to increase blood circulation and get rid of that extra weight.
  3. Reduce Alcohol: Drinking one or more drinks of alcohol daily is likely to increase blood pressure in people who are sensitive to alcohol. It is suggested that women stick to one drink while men should only have two.
  4. Stop Certain Medications: Specific drugs, like stimulants, birth control, weight loss supplements, and some medicines for colds are likely to increase blood pressure.
  5. Lower Sodium Intake: Your body might not react well to salt which may cause your blood pressure to soar. Lowering sodium intake will lower blood pressure levels. Refined and processed foods have especially large levels of sodium. Many over-the-counter medications also have a lot of sodium as well.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure 
High blood pressure usually has no symptoms in the beginning. Those who have high blood pressure usually are clueless about it until their blood pressure is measured when they get a physical.

Occasionally, people who have noticeably increased blood pressure may develop symptoms like:
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred Vision
  • Chest Pain
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Headache
People do not often seek medical treatment right up until they have organ problems as a result of high blood pressure.
The organ conditions below are typically seen in people who have long-term high blood pressure:
  • Eye Damage
  • Heart Failure
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Kidney Failure
Treatment for High Blood Pressure 
Many signs and symptoms occur slowly after many years of bad blood pressure management. Often, the first signs of high blood pressure happen when a patient complains about chest pain or has symptoms similar to a stroke. Blood pressure can be checked at most drug stores or when you visit your doctor. 

Speak with your physician if you believe you have high blood pressure and before making any lifestyle changes. Your doctor will tell you exactly what to do and how to handle high blood pressure.
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CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Quick Look at Gallbladder Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

A Quick Look at Gallbladder Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

By CH Woods

Your gallbladder found underneath the liver. It is responsible for storing bile created in your liver. The is a small muscular sac on the right underside of the liver, in which bile secreted by the liver is stored and concentrated until needed for the digestion of foods, fats in particular. 

There are two main types of gallbladder disease:
  1. Cholelithiasis: Causes gallstones.
  2. Cholecystitis: Inflamed gallbladder.
A Quick Look at Gallbladder Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and TreatmentsYou may develop gallstones with no signs or symptoms at all. On the other hand, if the stones are big then they can obstruct the duct that leads from your gallbladder. This may result in discomfort and will need professional treatment to take care of it. 

 In the beginning the gallstones might obstruct the bile pathways and then shift aside which results in a slight pain. Constant congestion can be deadly. 

Signs and Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease
  • Less Hungry
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal Pain in Upper Right Side
  • Pain After Eating Foods High in Fat
  • Nausea
Causes of Gallbladder Problems
Gallbladder problems typically develop due to blocked pathways in the gallbladder from gallstones. Gallstones are produced in your gallbladder when the chemicals in bile create hard substances. Females are at a much higher risk of having gallstones as compared to males. Obesity as well as fat loss accompanied by putting on weight can be other factors that can increase the risk of gallstones. 

Nutritional Tips for Gallbladder Problems: The suggestions below can help minimize the symptoms of gallbladder disease:
  1. Stay away from alcoholic beverages and tobacco products
  2. Exercise 3-5 days per week.
  3. Consume more fiber. 
  4. Only use vegetable-based cooking oils.
  5. Avoid all foods that may cause allergic reactions. Your doctor will be able to perform a few tests to find out if you are allergic to anything.
  6. Stop eating any foods with trans-fatty acid (a fatty acid of a type occurring in margarine and manufactured cooking, consumption of such acids is thought to increase the risk of atherosclerosis) which is present in refined and junk foods.
  7. Consume foods rich in iron and vitamin B.
  8. Stay away from processed foods like white pasta and sugar.
A Quick Look at Gallbladder Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and TreatmentsHerbs for Your Gallbladder
There are many herbs that can help with gallbladder disease naturally and boost your health overall. Gallbladder problems may be a sign of an even worse problem, so do not use this as a substitute for treatment. Use the herbs to help in coordination with professional treatment. 

The herbs below are very popular for those with gallbladder diseases.
  • Turmeric: This herb is best used to improve your liver function. Large amounts of turmeric can thin your blood however, so you should keep this in mind if you are on medications that thin your blood as well.
  • Milk Thistle: Milk thistle is great for detoxifying your gallbladder as well as your liver. Those who are allergic to ragweed should use milk thistle with care.
  • Artichoke: This vegetable can help assist the performance of your liver and gallbladder. Because of the artichoke's effect of increased bile production, there is a possibility that it can cause gallbladder pain if you have problems with blockage of the bile pathways in your body.
  • Green Tea: Green tea is well-known for its antioxidant benefits and weight loss properties, though you might not have known that it can help improve your gallbladder and liver function as well. It is best to drink decaffeinated green tea.
The Importance of Professional Medical Advice
Do not try any type of treatment without first talking with your doctor. The natural remedies listed above are meant to help along with medical treatment and should not be used as a substitute. Gallbladder disease is a serious health condition and if you show any signs or symptoms of it then you should schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Quick Guide to the West Nile Virus

A Quick Guide to the West Nile Virus

By CH Woods

A Quick Guide to the West Nile Virus

West Nile virus is the result of being infected with a virus carried by mosquitoes.

The majority of people infected with the West Nile virus do not usually suffer from any symptoms, though in uncommon cases a person may suffer from minor conditions like a headache or low fever.

On the other hand, there are rare cases where people who are infected with West Nile virus end up with a deadly condition that involves the inflammation of their brain. Minor symptoms of the West Nile virus infection typically start to disappear without any type of treatment, however severe symptoms, like a high fever, overall weakness, and migraines, will need instant medical attention or else death might become a possibility.

Needless to say, being bitten by mosquitoes where West Nile virus is found raises your chances of being infected with it. Make sure you properly protect yourself from mosquitoes with mosquito repellent and by putting on clothing that covers most of your skin in order lower your risk.

Signs of the West Nile Virus
As mentioned, typically there are no signs or symptoms that come with West Nile virus. Roughly one out of five people will develop a condition known as West Nile fever, which includes several symptoms apart from a fever, such as:
  • Skin Rashes
  • Headaches
  • Body Aches
  • Back Pain
  • Swollen Lymph Glands
  • Eye Pain
  • Fatigue
It is estimated that one out of one hundred people infected with the West Nile virus will suffer from severe brain infections. This kind of infection can include brain inflammation along with swelling of the membranes around the brain.

Severe infections might also include problems such as inflammation and contamination of the membranes around your spinal cord and severe flaccid (soft, limp, or lacking firmness) paralysis.

Indications of these complications can include:
  • Partial Paralysis
  • Pain
  • Migraines
  • Stiff Neck
  • Confusion
  • Convulsions
  • Coma
  • Loss of Balance
  • Tremors
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Muscle Weakness
  • High Fever
Symptoms of West Nile fever typically keep going for a couple of days, however the signs of brain inflammation along with similar conditions can stick around for weeks at a time. There are cases where certain symptoms, mainly muscle weakness, last for the rest of your life.

A Quick Guide to the West Nile VirusWest Nile Virus Prevention Tips
The best way to protect against West Nile virus along with other mosquito-related diseases would be to steer clear of them entirely. In order to prevent the West Nile virus, you need to eliminate any breeding grounds nearby.

To reduce your risk one should:

  • Do away with any used tires or old containers that can hold water which act as breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Get rid of any standing water in your yard since mosquitoes reproduce in standing water. 
  • Regularly change the water in your birdbaths.
  • Empty out your swimming pool if it is no longer in use.
  • Clean out your roof gutters to prevent breeding.

In order to reduce your chances of coming in contact with mosquitoes, you should: 

  • Put on fully sleeved shirts and long pants whenever you are traveling through mosquito-infested areas.
  • Wear mosquito repellent approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. Select the concentration according to the length of time you need the protection for. 
  • Refrain from taking part in avoidable outdoor pastimes during times when mosquitoes are out which includes dawn, dusk and the evening. 
  • Whenever you are outside, protect your infant's baby stroller or playpen with a mosquito netting to keep them out.

When to See A Medical Professional
Minor symptoms of the West Nile fever typically get better by themselves. In the event you suffer from symptoms like a stiff neck, loss of balance, confusion, or a severe headache then make sure you seek professional medical care as quickly as possible. 
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CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.