Friday, March 28, 2014

Basic Ways Mercury Levels Are Tested

Basic Ways Mercury Levels Are Tested

By CH Woods

Tests for mercury may be the only method to objectively determine whether or not our bodies are getting rid of greater than standard levels of mercury. However, be advised, the American Dental Association doesn't see these lab tests as being too useful. 

Of course, it is accurate that examining the body for mercury has restrictions.

Such as, no examination will be able to tell you exactly where the mercury is in your body, just how much mercury is within the body, the amount in your brain, or the harm it has done overall.

Yet it is also a fact that numerous health care experts view these tests a very important analytical tool. 
Doctors use several tests such as blood, urine, and fecal metals exams to find out if mercury is within the body or if it is being removed from the body. Below are a few examples of what you can expect to go through if you need to be tested for mercury poisoning:

Blood Test This examination finds mercury within the blood. Although it can indicate contact with all three forms of mercury, the below restrictions stop this check from being helpful in figuring out your body’s amount of mercury, or showing its usefulness in getting rid of mercury. 

 If a person has this test down within three days or less after consuming fish with methyl mercury in it, the test can display an excessive amount of mercury within the bloodstream. The final results might be very different if you had taken the blood test prior to consuming the fish, or even a week after.

When your doctor would like to know your blood mercury amount for additional reasons other than for just looking for mercury, this is a great test for that.
However it can only show you if mercury was in the bloodstream during the time the blood was taken out. 

It shows absolutely nothing regarding:
  • If mercury exists in other areas of the body
  • The amount of mercury which has built up within your brain.
  • What side effects it could be having on your wellbeing
  • The stress mercury has on the body
Urine Mercury Testing As a detection tool for mercury, the urine mercury check shows minimal results. It offers only a little bit of detail about:
  • The amount of mercury stored and exactly where it is found
  • Which area of the body the mercury came from
  • The medical complications the gathered mercury is triggering
Fecal Metal Exam Almost ninety percent of the mercury removed from the body’s normal chelation detoxification process is through the liver and feces processes, so any testing should really involve a fecal metals exam. This test is great for any patients or doctor who would like to keep track of the cleansing process.

The fecal metals exam provides a variety of unique strengths over every other test for mercury since it:
  • Is perfect for kids as well as chemically sensitive individuals since it does not call for any medicines, or any other chemical substance products
  • Shows the body problems as a result of the built up mercury after removal
  • Allows you to compare and contrast each test to past checks
  • Is perfect for a person with kidney conditions that might have trouble using a prescription chelator.
  • Is an easy, non-invasive process that you can do in your own home
  • Does away with the concern about unwanted negative effects like an allergic or dose-related response that could take place with checks needing a pharmaceutical chelating substance
  • Displays the body’s power to get rid of mercury the natural way which will help to measure the strength of the patient's immune system
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products.
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

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