Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Are Nitric Oxide Supplements Right For You?

Are Nitric Oxide Supplements Right For You?

By CH Woods 

Are Nitric Oxide Supplements Right For You?

Nitric oxide dietary supplements are among the most widely used pre-workout supplements. 

Nitric oxide is at the top of the list for the best selling pre-workout products on the market. 

 The big claim that nitric oxide supplement providers’ state is that their products can improve blood circulation within the muscles and can provide more oxygen as well as amino acids.

About Nitric Oxide Nitric oxide is a gas produced by your body from certain amino acids. It is a natural vasodilator which means that it dilates or grows, particularly the arteries in which blood travels through. The dilation leads to greater blood circulation that transports far more oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissues. Arginine is an amino acid that creates nitric oxide within your body. Supplements that have L-arginine are basically nitric oxide products.

There are two main reasons why nitric oxide has become so popular for weight lifters:
  1. Improved Protein Synthesis: Elevated blood circulation usually means that there is a much faster transportation of nutrients and amino acids which improves the protein synthesis process enhancing muscle growth.
  2. Greater Blood Circulation: Given that nitric oxide expands the size of the blood vessels, it is able to increase oxygen and blood flow to your muscles during exercise for maximum stamina and progress.
Nitric oxide has been shown to play a role in a number of natural procedures such as neurotransmission and immune system protection.

There are many benefits of using nitric oxide. Several of them are explained below.

Benefit #1: Boosts Metabolism to Eliminate Fat We all want to maintain a healthy weight level. If you want to slim down and stay toned or develop muscle when reducing fat gain, you need to increase your metabolic rate to the fastest level possible. A nitric oxide supplement will help your body do this which can help you burn off any extra weight.

Benefit #2: Improves Muscle Growth Nitric oxide supplements will result in an increase in strength and muscle mass as you exercise. Since you can train for a longer time, you are going to train stronger as well. Also, when you have the ability to push your body past its limits with a greater intensity, the end result will be quicker gains.

Benefit #3: Gives You Natural Energy In order to get muscles you have to work hard. Intensive workout sessions call for a good amount of energy, but we all have our times where we simply feel too tired before or during our exercise sessions. If low energy is a problem, a nitric oxide supplement may be able to assist you.

Benefit #4: Shortens Recovery Time Appropriate recovery is essential for developing muscle and making the most of athletic efficiency. In terms of recovery, you will need all of the help you can get. Stress and not enough sleep make a difference in how quickly you are able to recover throughout and right after a good work out. 

Nitric oxide enhances oxygen and blood circulation to all of your muscles, making it possible for a quicker delivery of muscle restoring and low energy decreasing vitamins and minerals. Cells will have the ability to get whatever they need at any time they require it. A nitric oxide dietary supplement will help you recover and prepare you for your next workout session.

Professional Medical Advice
If any of the benefits listed above would help you out, ask your doctor if you are able to take nitric oxide without any problems. Nitric oxide can be a huge help if your body is able to use it right, however it can cause complications which is why it is so important to get doctor’s advice first.


If you would like more detailed information we offer a Free eBook on Nitric Oxide

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.

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