7 Herbs That Can Help with Kidney Disease
By CH WoodsWhen your kidneys lose their ability to get rid of the wastes in your body, an excessive amount of toxins and water can build up. This can result in serious medical conditions. If this occurs, it is generally referred to as kidney failure. The symptoms of kidney disease do not often show up until after the disease has progressed
quite a bit.
Symptoms can include one or more of the following:
- High Blood Pressure
- Fatigue
- Anemia
- Sudden Weight Loss
- Bleeding in Intestines
- Muscle Cramps
There are many natural herbs that it is said can help relieve the symptoms caused by kidney disease and kidney failure. Baking soda has also been said to help improve the symptoms of kidney failure since it helps reduce the acidity of your blood.
Keep in mind that herbs and any other home remedies are not considered treatments.
The seven herbs listed below may all help make kidney problems less dire.
Herbal Remedy #1: Dandelion: Medical experts have stated that dandelion leaves have diuretic properties that might be a good replacement for prescription diuretics in the future. Diuretics are prescription drugs that cause an increased flow of urine.
Dandelion is very common, though many people don't realize that it is fantastic for dealing with the symptoms of kidney failure. Besides kidney problem, this herb has been found to help treat conditions of the gall bladder, joints, and liver.
Herbal Remedy #2: Java Tea: Java tea, commonly referred to as kidney tea, is an herb that is made use of medically for various reasons. It is known in several countries as a powerful herb for the treatment of kidney problems such as kidney infection and kidney stones. Java tea is also considered a diuretic (something that causes increased flow of urine) as well.
Herbal Remedy #3: Lei Gong Teng: Lei Gong Teng is said to have been proven to be effective in preventing cancer, inflammation and improving blood circulation. It has been widely used to treat leprosy and rheumatoid arthritis in clinics.
Herbal Remedy #4: Green Tea: Green tea is a beverage that people have consumed for countless numbers of years and continue to do so today because of its many health benefits. The leaves of the green tea plant are made up of special substances referred to as polyphenols, which apparently help to prevent kidney stones in addition to prostate and liver cancer. Green tea is also used to break down any fatty buildup in the liver.
Herbal Remedy #5: Cornsilk: Cornsilk is an extremely effective herb used for those with kidney failure. It can also help manage the symptoms of urinary infection.
Herbal Remedy #6: Couch Grass: Couch grass will help increase urine production as well as improves the conditions of those with urinary tract infections like urethritis and cystitis. Kidney stones are a common problem for those with kidney failure. Couch grass has also been shown to help break down these stones to help them pass without too much pain.
This herb has also been found to help with the treatment of an enlarged prostate. To take this herb, you can ground it up and use it as a substitute for coffee in your coffee maker.
Herbal Remedy #7: Uva Ursi: Uva ursi, generally known as bearberry, is among the most effective urinary system antiseptics. It has been used to fight off any infections in the kidneys for thousands of years.
The Dangers of Herbal Remedies
All-natural herbal solutions do not have any side effects; however they may interfere with any current medications that you are taking. You need to see a doctor right away if you suspect you have any sort of kidney problem and would like to take one of the herbs mentioned above.
As mentioned, these herbs are meant to help relieve the symptoms of your kidney problems, not cure them.
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CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic and Environmental Products.
We provide organic and natural products with informative articles on health and environmental solutions.
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